purée de pêche adamance
admance main peche blanche 100 pourcent fruit purée Adamance

Montrouge & Patty® white peach



Peaches from Plateau des Costières

Peach trees need soil with good drainage. That is why Plateau des Costières is ideal, with clay loam soil, pebbles and sand. In Beaucaire, peaches grow under the Gard region’s sun, in an area that used to be garrigue. This means the soil is rich in organic material that feeds the peach trees.

« As our orchard is dedicated to Adamance, we were able to delay the harvest to obtain sweeter fruit. »

Carlos Dias Gorrilhes crop manager and peach expert Find out more on this producer

Fresh, floral peach purée

Peaches have subtle, fragile aromas. Our team has managed to preserve their delicate profile, in which floral and acidic notes combine to produce a unique freshness.

Peach trees watered just the right amount

Along the edge of his environmentally responsible orchard, Carlos has planted cypress hedges to break the mistral winds. This stops them from stressing the trees and damaging the fruit. He has also halved his water consumption by installing micro-jet irrigation systems at the foot of each tree.

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